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RS-232 to USB2.0 converter [9.09.122] From experience we know, not all USB to RS-232 converters are suitable for fast and stable data transmission with digital instruments.
e have tested several types of converters and the one we offer here is the best we have seen in the market today.

RS-232 to USB2.0 converter [9.09.122]

From experience we know, not all USB to RS-232 converters are suitable for fast and stable data transmission with digital instruments.
e have tested several types of converters and the one we offer here is the best we have seen in the market today.
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Caractéristiques du RS-232 to USB2.0 converter [9.09.122]


  • Compliant with USB 2.0 standard
  • Supports RS-232 (DB9) serial interface
  • Maximum data transfer rate of over 1Mbps
  • USB extension cable also supplied (± 80 cm long)
  • Chipset: FTDI / FT232RL
  • This device is to be used in the following environments:
    - light industrial
    - residental
    - or commercial
  • Operating Systems
    • Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista™ and XP
    • Linux
    • Mac OS X