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Analog 4..20 mA Flow Calculations LIQUI-VIEW

See below the table to calculate the flow or analog output in mA for the LVB-A and LVB-AD models.

Flow Calulations Analog 4..20mA

LVB-06-A(D) | Q [l/min] = 0.625 x (I (mA) - 4 mA)

LVB-08-A(D) | Q [l/min] = 0.938 x (I (mA) - 4 mA)
LVB-10-A(D) | Q [l/min] =     2.5  x (I (mA) - 4 mA)
LVB-15-A(D) | Q [l/min] =  3.125  x (I (mA) - 4 mA)
LVB-20-A(D) | Q [l/min] =  5.313  x (I (mA) - 4 mA)
LVB-25-A(D) | Q [l/min] =  9.375  x (I (mA) - 4 mA)


Need to know the mA output for 17 l/min for the LVB-10-A(D)
17 l/min / 2.5 4 (mA) = 10.8 mA

Find the flow with a certain output 15.2 mA for example LVB-20-A(D)
5.313 x (15.2 mA - 4 mA) = 59.5 l/min

What is the output when the flow is 0 l/min for example LVB-06-A(D)
0 l/min / 0.625 4 (mA) = 4 mA